

High Gas Prices Bring Out the Morons.

Savings for the Math-Challenged: High gas prices invariably manage to bring out the worst in Americans. Instead of changing their behavior in significant ways, like driving less or taking the bus or making plans to buy a more fuel efficient car, Americans whine. Worse, they engage in truly moronic behavior, like driving across town to save two cents per gallon. The other day, we noted on the news that a couple of gas stations Back East dropped their gas prices some fifty cents for promotional reasons. Of course, this created a traffic jam as people lined up, waiting as long as seven hours to fill up their tanks. Let's see, if you saved fifty cents a gallon on a fifteen-gallon fillup, that would be a savings of $7.50. So that means these people think their time is worth is a little more than $1.00 an hour? Wile E.



Okay, Hillary Has a Chance.

Watch for a Third Party: With immigrant advocates busy overplaying their hand--what with the waving Mexican flags, the Spanish version of The Star-Spangled Banner, and the jobs boycott on Communism's greatest holyday-- a strong run by an anti-illegal-immigrant third-party candidate is a real possibility. Such a candidate would probably split the Republican Party rather than drawing equally from both parties, which would leave the way open for Hillary. Hey, maybe those immigrant advocates have thought the whole thing through. Wile E.

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